

                                                                   An attitude of gratitude is looking at my children as wild and unsure as they may be they are mine, and mine to be kept through my prayers and sacrifices, and in time they will belong to spirit for good. Gratitude for my life in all its complexities and challenges I am thankful for the lessons I  learned, an attitude always praised and gratitude that always earned I'm grateful for Spirit and the Grace that always comes undeserved, something freely given,  even if he's under-served. I'm grateful for my job and the youth I work with everyday, for the staff and for the support for the strangers who look my way. (I smile) I'm grateful for my husband with the patience of a saint, my elders and my faith for all the folks who give Grace without even knowing what it takes. For Spirit's scriptures that He gives me, His nutriment and his food, I will always standing in this life with an Attitude of Gratitude

Flowing Rivers

Flowing Rivers Water both gives life and takes it and as you took a piece of me  Spirit has replenished and replaced you in ways I could have never imaged I've only imagined nothing but death coming from the pain, but now  Joy stands before me in abundance like flowing rivers always keeping me above the currents secure and revived while he keeps me alive and thriving soul soaring, everyday and I'm loved in every way because the lenses changed, fixed on Ya'weh the redeemer and savior of my soul So profoundly you have no hold on me like the days of ol'  I flow like a river and I blow like a wind and my soul sings forever from the beginning until the end of time  We, you, me are just faded memories of lies, pain of nothingness Ya'weh holds it all I can never be touched again, by the dark spirits of pain or by mortal men. I flow like a river refreshed and anew, cleansed, and filled with life and with  truth.

The King that Never Was

  The King that Never Was The palace in your kingdom that held many spaces full of brokenness and lies ,dies with you windiling and corroding, crumbling into rubble simply because you failed and belittled what was to be US You find yourself lost and reaching out for whoever will reach back, lacking the capacity for truth and reciprocity for the all the wrong you've done to me, she, they to We you are no king but a mire being who to be human is even to much to ask from you.  What you are, is something of a pretender whose truth only emerges to suit your counter suitors, to make them believe a performance of a lifetime  not knowing your love is filled with toxic poisoning for the ingesting elixir they are to be seduced for the taking  a tonic you've mastered over the decades to mix perfectly for their demise  You sir are no king, but a sorcerer who is a pauper in reality  you are dark magic sitting on a  throne of knives and daggers, and a crown of fools gold and foil You are the

Give Me Away

                             When the Ancestors call,  Give what's left of me away Give what's left of me away to children that have no one to guide them or to care, to my children when they have way to much to bare to my dear friends, siblings and to the elders who never want to be alone and who are waiting on their own journey home.  Give What's Left of Me Away Give them a piece of me something special they can keep for the sake of necessity for the sake of grief. And if YOU need to shed your tears and find yourself crying for me, Cry for your brother and sister who walk by your side, with hidden battles you can't see  cry, with them never let them be And when YOU need ME, Put your arms around those who that are in need,  And give them what you need from me, that hug, that kiss, that connecting of Synergies. For I want to leave you something, better than mire words or  sonnets So be sure to look for me In the people I've known people I've loved, and cared for

Beauty For Ashes

                             Beauty For Ashes    She was torn down and accentuated by the mellifluous sounds of charm and decent burned by broken promises and pain simple and plain  Green was in season and she had became jaded Scorned was this woman who was banished and abandoned  by one's selfish heart, who discarded her value and worth.  A Beautiful Queen shrunk down to a pauper's being  because she simply did not or would not no longer give in to the toxicity of a pretend kings ransom.                  A rare sight of beauty, melinians like smooth dark chocolate and other times a milky carmels and everything in between  this sistah  This queen has known many  but has had no countrymen of her own to keep her and  be accountable for her  so she learned to live in the loneliness of the crowd she resided in daily  left to her own device,  a chaos of torture and mayhem, she was insane with emotional ties fueled by the lies of their selfishness and unrequited love causing her to c

The Lalique (never again)

  The Lalique   (never again)   So hear me, hear me like a football announcer commands his attention to keep the retention of his audience I deserve to be loved in the way I love back I deserve servings of kisses and check In's and sonnets and weekends I deserve not to have wonder worry or wade in the blue sea of uncertainty,  just because you can't simply express a sentiment or attentiveness that i want and need only because this not a standard or even, some would call ethical kind of interrelational tie because with each lie you tell, I die a little inside   where all I want is you, and for you to care about no other in your court but your Queen But you don't see the Lalique in front of you only the the ordinary crystal  that you keep in the hutch for entertaining,  while the Lelique stays on the shelf collecting dust, keeping the lonely space of observance that will eventually, scratch, scar and become worthless until another collector comes to reclaim, recover and reinv

Soul Talk

Come walk with me...come walk with me into the inter parts of my soul and talk with me,  to the part that takes the  to lls of woes and pain, simple and plain to the depths of no return sit with me and look beyond the veil, as I transport you to the pools of my wishing well What do I really mean to you when the feeling of your heart sinks in  and you realize your in the deep within for a woman you claim to Love and you begin to feel the freeing feeling and then the feeling of failures past,  so you step  back Twenty paces to and an equal fold to make sure the distance safe just enough to fuck wit her surface level. The blissful feeling, got you feeling like unraveled dreams of yesterday and the only thing  that makes  sense, simple sense, like the change thrown on top of the dresser that stays laying  forgotten, the only sense that seemly makes sense to you are the things that are in your best  interest  and as your eyes avoid looking into the depths of mine I start dying, fading slowi