My Roots

I AM BECAUSE WE ARE Our Roots: A Legacy of Strength These roots have sprung into a grounded tree of fixtures, Each branch an embodiment of us—each member of the village, Influencing, reproducing, and connecting, Carrying the wisdom and love of We. Each branch has a name, A purpose, leading me closer to my own legacy. As my world—my village—changes, I look back at my vision at fifteen. Gene Calhone opened my mind and heart to difference, To diversity, alongside Isoke, Who taught me to shout out fear, To open my heart to the world, To humanity and its infinite beauty. Through new bridges and fresh faces, I learned to appreciate lifestyles that surrounded me, And the close mind, the fear that once bounded me, No longer held me to ignorance and intolerance. I too, was able to SEE . South Park—a place of history— Where blood, sweat, and tears were invested for me, and for you For the generations before and after, A place where roots were planted, Roots like mine, and roots like yours. It w...