Numb To many times, and not once more will i be a slave to your false givings. To many times, wasted time has given illussions to a reality my mind has already set to menifest. To many times have i given myself freely and not to myself it always comes with a price. You Love, are a posion that over came my senses and drained my dry of the strong blood the flowed through these vien so long ago, Just to leave me empty and penniless, weak and numb to point of a return that cost to much I am done with you and your broken promises, phishing, scam and sarcastics You unreturned communications and affections Only to fall numb to what i used to know as Beautiful and lively. My light is dimming because you are no longer in the room to fuel my happiness and I find these days happiness to be inside of me, made I can't cry even to know someone is going to die, the empathy in me takes extra energy to bring to the surface, when its buried so deep somegthing thats a ...