Thick Ma'dam

Thick Ma'dam She is Black Girl Magic rolled and molded out of the stars of the universe where moons have laid their gravity upon her celestial body just to hold her feels like an out of body experience that you just want to cuddle with, get your warmth from, spend all day in the bed and make love to Brown skin girl with skin smooth like silk and shea butta, where feeling the of her experience is a high from heaven She is intelligent and humble, sweet and Strong owning all of who she is with her back arched and head held high and her crown on straight ma'dam is auspicious for she is a KUEEN! The Thick Ma'dam loves from the deepest corners of her soul only to lift her KING up, out, over from under the pressures of life, so she can breath life to his spirit and love into his heart for he knows that her kind of love is a special one... Her stomach is like a soft pillow of clouds to lay on and have the love rain of extacy fall upon From her thick thighs, lips and hip...