The Lalique (never again)

The Lalique (never again) So hear me, hear me like a football announcer commands his attention to keep the retention of his audience I deserve to be loved in the way I love back I deserve servings of kisses and check In's and sonnets and weekends I deserve not to have wonder worry or wade in the blue sea of uncertainty, just because you can't simply express a sentiment or attentiveness that i want and need only because this not a standard or even, some would call ethical kind of interrelational tie because with each lie you tell, I die a little inside where all I want is you, and for you to care about no other in your court but your Queen But you don't see the Lalique in front of you only the the ordinary crystal that you keep in the hutch for entertaining, while the Lelique stays on the shelf collecting dust, keeping the lonely space of observance that will eventually, scratch, scar and become worthless until another collector com...