Beauty For Ashes



Beauty For Ashes 

 She was torn down and accentuated by the mellifluous sounds of charm and decent

burned by broken promises and pain simple and plain 

Green was in season and she had became jaded

Scorned was this woman who was banished and abandoned

 by one's selfish heart, who discarded her value and worth. 

A Beautiful Queen shrunk down to a pauper's being

 because she simply did not or would not no longer

give in to the toxicity of a pretend kings a ransom. 

                A rare sight of beauty, melinians like smooth dark chocolate

and other times a milky caramels and everything in between 

this sistah 

This queen has known many 

but has had no countrymen of her own to keep her and 

be accountable for her 

so she learned to live in the loneliness of the crowd she resided in daily 

left to her own device, 

a chaos of torture and mayhem, she was insane with emotional ties

fueled by the lies of their selfishness and unrequited love

causing her to commit spiritual suicide.

the flames caused by the arsonists hands, and the mishandling of her heart 

Smolder causing ambers to rise and fly up wind 

she slowly ascends toward the nothingness

where all was left was pile of ashes and remnants of who she once was 

Then after a few brief magical moments

 the giver of life breathed out a new wind

 into the rubble giving meaning

and she began to manifest into a live breathing being 

recreating herself in duplicity, multiplicity 

where others like her continued to rise out of her divine energies

and her struggles became their strengths, 

and their weeping became rejoicing

standing in arms, unified, solidifying one another's existence and positions

these women once mere queens

 metaphorized into Goddesses sovereign entities 

and the keepers of one another

of ALL Feminine energy that is eternal

 that makes them individually powerful

They are no longer allowing the false gods, 

false kings, false spirits, demons or any being 

 to take from the crowns their divine makeup 

Seeing we are more than what they call us!

We are the beauty that came from the Ashes!



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