Random Thoughts About: Exposure

"If you could see the Real in Me would you still be apart of Me..would you still call Me Family. Friend or Love..or would you just dim away like light did before it gave out,  before the chaos and sin?
   If you had a whim of the Truth within would you see Me differently beyond the sweet nectar turned sour and tainted selfish and giving to only giving to myself would you still be in Love or disgusted with turn of events

  (sidenote) So I have written a book a while back with all my poetry and some background information as to where these poems came about. I have a friend who is the position to publish my book for low-cost or no cost and I am still unsure as to weather or not I should go a head with it. 
I feel: Afraid of exposing myself the world and i have know idea why..(smh)..I feel indifferent and feel the er to over analyze at times and this is exactly what I fear I might be doing.       


   As the storm blows bounds over the foundation of my life,
 strife and friction ignite a fusion of color to my senses and mind 
something blown open with the thoughts of humiliation to me or my kin, for people to see the real me that exists inside of my within...
 someone who is spirited and strong but humble and vulnerable to life's twists and turns prone to hardships and pain physically, emotionally I've been through the Tsunami of relationships and self inflicted pain and the only thing I gained from it was emptiness...
   And as I have found beyond the horizon of life setting sun my Euphoria now hangs in balance with Spirit and Spirit with me..my love, my children and also my God given family...
If they see the Real me inside my within.. what will they say then to the truth of my reality ?...
will i be condemned by them? and left alone again, or will they embrace me unconditionally because it is me?
   I sometimes wonder if its worth it all, if my self worth is valued as much as a worthless penny, but according to Penny, Pennies are the dollar's children and valued in quantity. So more of me I suppose may be worth more as I expose to the world you see...and knowing that nothing comes for free..i guess there will be some sort of price for me.

Exposure is unforgiving  risk I'm not sure I'm willing to take...

© Copyright May 18, 2013 by Tha Floetress




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