My Favorite Quotes; A Mirrored Reflection of the Thoughts From My Heart

"Darkness, the truest darkness, is not the absence of light. It is the conviction that the light will never return. But the light always returns, to show us things familiar. Home, family, and things entirely new, or long overlooked." - Louis from the Justice League movie

Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.

Joseph Campbell

"Identity can be a crisis only if you don't know who are." - K.Gray...if you don't define yourself through the windows of your heart then who are you really?

Dr.Seuss said it best: "Be You Are and Say What You Feel; because those who Mind don't Matter; and those who Matter don't Mind."  I richly agree, and i do just that to large extent.

As I grew up in church I heard a quote every Sunday from Ms.Vivian the ("First Lady" of the church at the time)..during her announcements: "Underline Truths Reads: What A Man Believes determines how he lives; and how a man lives reviles more clearly what he believes...regardless of what he says." as a youth I never really understood it but as an Adult I say "Ain't that the truth!". You can absolutely tell what a person believes clearly how they for thought!

Then there is the quote from the famous author Andre' Berthiaume which reads: "We all wear masks and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin" ...I say for real...I can concur with that indeed! Better yet lets talk about a quote from Alfred Austin..."Show me your garden and I'll show you who you are." ...yes, Identity is only a crisis if you don't know who you are indeed.

“When the wind kissed the trees, they sang melodies, and the ancestors returned, smiling. Divine archetype, predecessor of light. You who were formed by the heat of the galaxy, who was dusted with a star, who has the universe in your eye, whose blood keeps the score of your blessings and trials.” -Black is King
So right now I am dealing in the lot of Love..I don't mean superficial "oh I love you" sentiments but the deep winding down to the depth of your soul kind of Love, the kind that takes hostage of your heart with emotion and aching, a desire so strong and abundant that it defines the very person you are....a boy does it suck!! As I see it as a "curse" and a "blessing" its the kind of love that takes a special person to give it and as it does to receive it.  
This I found to be an interestly profound quote: 
"Loving someone is giving them the power to break your heart, but trusting them not too."- Julianne Moore
The newest addition to the list though is this quote from an amazing Spoken word Poet and treasured friend of mine Urban Voodoo hes says this about that kind of love...
"When love comes, your demons begin to flee; Be patient as your heart rids itself of their presence." and that's exactly where i am at.

on a more somber note not finding the love that was "meant to be" even more...

"She had blue skin, and so did he
He kept it covered and so did she
They searched for Blue their whole life through
Then passed it right by, and never knew."
Shel Silverstein

Yes! I quoted Shel Silverstein  the great children's author who kept my mind dancing  to his magic words and silly illustrations...that "Blue" piece is the best love story recited in 10 seconds ever!!

But as always fear is the "arch nemesis" of mine..I believe it derives from how i was raised..not by just my parents but others they sent me too as an "rulely" they say ..interesting about that, I have never been to jail or juvy so how unruly could I have been...but moving on..

As an Adult I find this quote by Meg Cabot to be true "Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something is more important than fear" I must say yes! that Courage is indeed more important than fear and is the antidote to failure. I think I will copyright! 

More to come...

© November 19,2013

December 2, 2013 Entry of Quotes:

 Regarding Love an area I'm sure we have all struggled or is struggling in. As for me I'm just now really to grasp and comprehend the true essence of it so here is one I have been pondering on: "Don't be afraid to give love more than you receive. Because love doesn't need to be equal or fair, it only needs to be true!" ~Marvin Sapp  Any thoughts? Anyone?
Irony played a part in this quote by Mother Teresa which reads: "I have the paradox; That if you love until it hurts; there can be no more hurt, but only more Love." I find that intriguing and I almost want to see if its actually true. If I love him more will the hurt cease and there will only remain more Love?...Things that make you go hummmmmm...?? Then if that's the case, I would have to follow it up with this..."Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of its trouble, attempts what is above its strengths, pleads no excuse for impossibility, for it thinks all things are lawful for itself and all thongs are possible." Thank you ...Thomas A. Kempis

©December 12, 2013

"Things do not change; we change."
~Henry David Thoreau

"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come". -
Joseph Campbell

"If there's anything that I know, it's that love is infinite. You can always make more when you need it. And just because you wanna give some to somebody else, doesn't mean that you'll take any away from me." 
-Emily Barnes

Then love knew it was called love. 
And when I lifted my eyes to your name, 
suddenly your heart showed me my way

Pablo Neruda, 


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