Random Thoughts: Today its about the Emotion

  As the last month passes I grow more in tune with what is really going on with me. I am so Emo I can't stand it! Why, I have a theory I suppose, now where do I start?
  The Point Of No Return

   I have finely have had the opportunity to be honest with myself and Love about how I truly feel about it. I have loved hiphop always and he has loved me and now that my love has been divided between R&B and HipHop, I'm finding that I love the two very differently.  HipHop comes to me with the edgy facade and gives me the poetry that moves me upside down with fine prints and a clause... R&B is committed to the love that shared between people and is loyal to the cause.
    Hiphop uses words and movement to show me it loves me back. all the while R&B attends too my needy ways. HipHop declares its love for me through touch and floetry the passion that gives me spiritual movement, R&B Loves me unconditionally, flaws and all. 
  Does HipHop? The Point of no Return for me is losing one to the other, by letting the cards fall where they may because this life is not my own but is Divine Destiny's it is His alone. Hiphop your "the worst" and you weren't special til I made you so...and so here I am still loving every cord, verse, and rhythm. R&B you are steady and predictable, constant ballads and hooks...I am truly at the point of no return.

© copyright  3/2014


Nobody's supposed to be here in this space place or time as I'm jaded and broken beyond fixing....Or so I thought. He slide in with no warning and effort penetrating the wall made of stone and mortar and light filtered in within moments after His arrival is this an Universal calling for direction or is the Devil afoot tryin  to redirect my footsteps and direction by a seemingly genuine delight. 


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