Love's Language

A Confabulations prelude

Daytime mists give way to sunshine
As I sit with shadows that unwind
From the twisted past

Morning mist full of dew, rays of light
The drops act like honey and the nectar of sweet fruit ,I taste you
You are my Azucena  

Mist and rain wave and surf
The day is long without your breathe
I hold fast to a course waiting
Holding on to a memory
Living today, smiling along the way

Checkered past lives, hard knocks pushed around lost and forgotten
Drowning while I’m holding my breath
Running home to you ...I smile.

Like the caged songbird who has no song to sing
A concerto plays through the soundboards of my heart

The nighttime is where I find solace for my thoughts
As they run rampantly and constant
Something of universal offering to my heart and spirit

I thank thee for speaking your love to me in existence

Like an ocean wave
First inception as the full moons blast
And the wind moves a soft push like
A Zephyr  

That live in the elemental planes and dimensions of the heart dwell in a moment's space of nothingness.

thaFloetress ©2018



Alma Torturado (para Denio)

Dejar que la aceptación al destino y la realidad
Mi intención es la paciencia con una actitud de los guerreros llenos de pura intención y voluntad de ser
Existiendo en esta vida con una felicidad gozosa, mientras que en la lucha de la misma

Hago esto con la intención amorosa de Rastafari
El capitán de mi nave, es él, yo adoro a Dios Todopoderoso

Deja que tu corazón sea puro, pídele al Serpent arrepentimiento
Mientras los Ángeles en el cielo luchan con demonios en la tierra
Estoy aquí como un Souljah para que Cristo sienta así es mi verdadero yo


Let to acceptance to fate and reality
My intent is patience with a warriors attitude

Full of pure intent and will to be
Existing in this life with a joyful bliss
while in the struggle of it

I do this with the loving intention of Rastafari
The captain of my ship, is him, I worship God almighty

Let your heart be pure, ask the serpent for repentance
As Angels in Heaven struggle with Demons on earth
I stand here as a souljah For Christ

Feeling this way is my true self.

thaFloetress ©2018


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