Silent Cries, Smiles Lie and Platitude


Silent Cries, Smiles Lie and Platitude 

I am yearning and aching for solace in the one person that can give it to me 

yet here i am, here alone, and caught in an unusual place of Pain and Love

Smiles are my way to lie to world and let them see "I am too right with in" 

but within the great deep I am dying without the very thing that could save me from me

Cries scream echos of tortured and desperation to feel and feel the right way through Love

not Loves ugly brother Pain, for Pain has ill will and plans of bad intent to destroy the essence

that has kept and help me survive life's toils and tribulations

A smile that lies, cries out and wells up inside the bottom of the great beneath 

for she knows the end result is the end of her light, her love, the very life as shes known it

Cries echo in empty halls, Smiles lie as their light beams on souls in front of them

Smile hides the pain the rain washes with every storm, Cries lie silent in the deep inside of Spirit

Front facades and platitudes and assortments of faces and made up emotions to through them off

I am tired the masks are sticking and im sticking to the unfavorable feeling because they bring me comfort

Cries are because of the lack thereof, and Smiles are fake like the love given to her...

To the smiling liar, and quiet crier...clique wonderer are seen.


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