Pandora's Box
Then as the lid lifts slowly, carefully trying not to leak out the woes of life, love and longevity of her journey she seemly breathes in the deep breathe of an unsure oxygen and leaving choice to chance...
Out violently came the chaos she once lived in un-divisiveness and uncertainty, an out pouring of broken dreams and a broken heart of regret, accompanied by a whirlwind of resentment that had hibernated into the deepest of all awaken to the reality of the moment she lived sin to attach itself to..just the light which came to relinquish the past into a non existent space and time of nothingness...The object that once controlled her and kept her desires alive has lost its power and will to move her according to its will. It would control her every desire as she did its bidding..Pandora had held the space capacity for every wrong she had done and that which had been done to her..
Sometimes the box would shake as a sign of wanting to escape and become that force again, as Pandora looked at her box full of grief, she'd recalled the evil and bondage from it and look away and into the light...
Her story, her journey spoke of the darkness that occupied her heart, spirit and life just to be a witness for those who have had a box of their own ...
The light had given her the strength to receive and relinquish all unto it so she can be the light to draw others too...Like a moth to a flame she let her chaos release itself from the box so this light would save her and as it did her heart opened up for the new chapter of her life, as life was given to her her again anew in the Word of Truth renewed Pandora's life and restored everything in between, of which was created for the greater purpose..

Pandora's Box was no more and her life has be reincarnated through other children of light, lifting up those with Boxes to relinquish to the light and the journey is relived through those of us who have listen to the lights calling to true Freedom...
Tha Floetress
Copyright © 6/13Tha Floetress
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